Welcome to 2024 Season
Biddenden Bowls Club
Here we are just 2 months away from the new bowls season - with yet another rain weather warning in force, bring on the warmer/dryer weather and some outdoor bowls!!
The committee has been busy planning and preparing for the new season and here is an update for all members.
Linda, who has again taken up the mantle of membership secretary, will be coming out soon with membership forms and information. So please look out for this in your emails.
A few dates for your diaries - please try to come along and support the various events/activities. IT IS VITAL TO AGAIN EMPHASISE THE NEED FOR FUND RAISING to help us cover our club overheads and that members support these whenever they can. With few coming forward with ideas and offers to help run events, it is really important that members support the events and those who have taken on the challenge of organising them.
Saturday 13th April 7pm QUIZ at Biddenden Village Hall
After a very successful and enjoyable Christmas Quiz, we are hoping to again get 12 plus tables to get our 2024 fund raising events off to a good start. Just contact Jeannette at [email protected] or on 07890818490 to book your table. If you can't get a full table of 6 speak to Jeannette as she will slot you in.
Thursday 18th April 2.30pm Preseason meeting/update/get together at the Club House
Come along and have a chat with our joint captains (Christine and Denise) and the committee to find out: what has been planned; get information on fixtures, selection procedures and the friendly tea rota; sign up for volunteer duties (e.g. cleaning, rota, mowing, gardening, club communication etc etc); find out about competitions and other events and generally have a good catch up with the other members.
Saturday 27th April 7pm Bingo with Querks at the Club House
£10 per person payable on the night for 6 games of bingo plus a stand-up bingo game . Cash and mystery prizes. Bring your own drink and a plate of food/nibbles to go on a sharing food table. This is a new event and should be really good fun so please confirm you will be there by contacting Brian/Christine at [email protected] or phone on 07906172743.
Sunday 28th April 10am to 4pm OPEN DAY
Our first chance for potential new members to come along and have a go at bowls and meet some members. (hopefully we will have recovered from our BINGO experience of the night before).
Thursday 6th June 2pm Captains' Afternoon
Christine and Denise are planning a captains' event - details to follow
THURSDAY club afternoons
With our reduced and more balanced number of friendly fixtures (normally one per weekend and one on Wednesdays) it is hoped that a lot more members will get along to club afternoons so that games and social interactions really are a weekly club event.
Fixtures 2024
All of the Friendly and League Fixtures are now up on the website - big thanks to fixture secretary Brian, who has done a great job in "rearranging" the friendly matches.
Competitions 2024
Sadly no one has come forward to be competitions secretary which does mean that a number of our normal competitions will not be taking place. The committee will be overseeing the 4 club championships which we hope will be well supported and Kim has agreed to run the Drawn Aussie Pairs (as she wants to play in it!) and the intergenerational. IS ANYONE/OR A COUPLE OF PEOPLE willing to help?
Minutes of AGM and Committee Meetings
As requested at the AGM, the minutes are now available for members to read in a folder in the club house.
Contact Information
Kim Buggins
- 07795 802630
Find Biddenden Bowls Club
The Green, Gordon Jones Playing Fields, Tenterden Road, Biddenden, Ashford, Kent, TN27 8BB
Additional Information
Turn off the A262 (Tenterden Road) into Old Mill Court and then immediately bear left into first car park. Continue past playing field and to the right of the squash club. The bowls club is on the left at the far end of the car park.