Ladies Day Update
Biddenden Bowls Club
Update from Barbara – Ladies Tournament Co-ordinator
The Ladies Triples Open Tournament is fast approaching on Thursday 12th August, 2021.
Much planning and preparation is in full swing getting ready for this very popular day. It was decided this year to invite 24 teams of Ladies triples to take part. Previous years have seen up to seven rinks in action but due to the condition of the ditch edges of the green there will only be six rinks in use this time.
Teams have been entering and we are almost at our full quota for the tournament with just a few places left; so if you know anyone interested in playing please encourage them to enter before all places are filled.
Thank you to all members taking on jobs to make the day run smoothly, it should be a fun day! Many thanks to Maggie and Laurie for all their hard work in the past to make the tournament such a success; they are standing down this year from organising the event but will hopefully be at the day probably with a job to do!
Update from Jeannette
The annual Ladies Tournament is the highlight of our bowling calendar, providing an opportunity for bowls teams from across Kent and the surrounding areas to come together, meet friends and play competitive bowls in the beautiful village of Biddenden.
Funds raised from this event help maintain the ground, facilities and develop club activities. As you will be aware fund raising has been extremely difficult over the last two years due to the COVID restrictions on bowling and other activities. However, the committee is confident that with your support we can make this year's tournament a huge success not only for those taking part but also as fund raiser for the club.
The Raffle
The raffle is always a big element of the fundraising. We need members to donate a prize for the raffle and would really appreciate your support for this event. Biddenden has a reputation for providing a super raffle and Ann Walker has kindly agreed to coordinate the raffle and collect any donations. There is a "raffle" box in the club house; can you please pop your raffle prize into the box or give it to Ann.
Cake Stall
The refreshments are another highlight of The Ladies Tournament. Sue Jones is coordinating the cake stall and needs cakes, scones, sausage rolls etc to sell on the day. If you can provide something for the stall, or make a donation towards baking please contact Sue.
Activity at the green - Jeannette
It has been wonderful to see so many people enjoying the club facilities and congratulations for all your achievements in club and County matches. We still need more support to maintain the green and surrounds, so please do come along or speak to Paul if you can help; there are jobs for everybody!! I would just like to praise Sue R (who has started coming along on Tuesday mornings) and her tenacity in hand pulling the weeds along the paths.
A special thank you goes to Ashley who, having constructed two sets of steps to access the green last year, has now made a metal ramp to enable safe/proper access to the green for mowers and equipment and for wheel chair users.
Contact Information
Kim Buggins
- 07795 802630
Find Biddenden Bowls Club
The Green, Gordon Jones Playing Fields, Tenterden Road, Biddenden, Ashford, Kent, TN27 8BB
Additional Information
Turn off the A262 (Tenterden Road) into Old Mill Court and then immediately bear left into first car park. Continue past playing field and to the right of the squash club. The bowls club is on the left at the far end of the car park.