October 24 Update
Biddenden Bowls Club
We had a committee meeting yesterday and there is lots of good news to impart and updates to make. So, in no particular order:
Club Lunch at London Beach on Sunday 17th November
Really good that we already have 26 members and friends booked to come. Just £20 per person with the club covering the balance of the cost of the 3 course meal. Remember this is not just a proper Sunday lunch and great social get together it is also a major fundraiser. London Beach refund the cost of the lunch to the club!! This means that for everyone who attends, the club will receive £20. So lots of good reasons to book and come along. Just email [email protected] to book and then transfer £20 per person to the club's number 2 account.
AGM Thursday 14th November 2024 2.00pm at the Bowls Club
Nominations for the officers and committee have been coming in and the great news is that we have 7 people already willing to stand.
The nominations are: Secretary Joy, Membership Secretary Linda, Fixture Secretary Jeannette, Chair Paul B, Safeguarding Officer Barbara, Treasurer KIm, Committee Gail.
Still have gaps for Captain, Mixed League Captain, Competitions Secretary and Ground Manager plus one space on the general committee.- would be good to fill some of these. Anything you might be willing to do? Plus appeal from Paul - he is very outnumbered and as over 50% of our members are men would be good to have them better represented on the committee!!
If you are willing to be nominated or if you would like to know more please email [email protected] or speak to Joy, or Jeannette. Please do get the date in your diary and come along on the day.
Green and Surrounds
Despite the awful weather a team is working together and it's going well - activities on the green have included scarifying, aeration tininng, mowing, lots of swishing, clover/weed removal, fertilising and the start of seeding. The ditch liners have been removed and cleaned, the mats have been washed and equipment store tidied, the toilet block gutters have been cleared and investigations are ongoing to find the source of a leak, temporary fix has been done to flat roof over mens changing rooms, rubbish clearance and disposal, club house has been cleaned, chairs stacked, benches brought in, floor tiles lifted, compost heaps turned, leaf bin readied, bank weeded, new bed behind ramp prepared/planted, work along back fence, strimming and mowing. (I am sure I have missed lots of other bits!!)
Regular coffee/tea breaks, Gail's amazing Chocolate Brownies and the real teamwork have been a real motivator for all. Well done team!!
Your IT Challenge - the members area
All of the AGM details will be going in the members section of the website which you will need to access to see AGENDA, last year's minutes, proposals, reports and any other documents. Please can you all access the area to ensure you can!! Any problems please email [email protected] or contact Kim direct and we will get you sorted!!
Christmas Quiz Night - Saturday 30th November 7pm
Really positive that we already have 10 tables booked - would like to get up to 16!! Ideally 6 per table. If you cannot get a full table liaise with Jeannette as numbers can be made up with others. This is another really important fundraiser and just £5 per person (plus perhaps a couple of £s for the odd "game":) Please let Jeannette know if you would like to book a table or join in with some others to make one up. Email Jeannette at [email protected]
2025 Friendly Fixtures - details are up on the website.
Contact Information
Kim Buggins
- 07795 802630
Find Biddenden Bowls Club
The Green, Gordon Jones Playing Fields, Tenterden Road, Biddenden, Ashford, Kent, TN27 8BB
Additional Information
Turn off the A262 (Tenterden Road) into Old Mill Court and then immediately bear left into first car park. Continue past playing field and to the right of the squash club. The bowls club is on the left at the far end of the car park.