Story of the Year Award 2020
Biddenden Bowls Club
As you will know Biddenden Bowls Club was a finalist in the Bowls England "Story of the Year Award 2020" which recognised achievements made by clubs and individuals in what was a season dominated by COVID. Sadly, we have not won the award despite amazing support in the public vote from members, friends, families, village residents, local bowls clubs, badminton and squash players and many others for which we are really grateful.
For more information about the winner, Scott Morland of Darlington South Park BC, and the competition visit Success for Darlington South Park's Scott Morland - Bowls England The achievements of Scott and the members at Darlington is amazing but we can be very proud of our 2020 season and feel very excited about the future as members new and old enjoy the wonderful game of bowls, developing new skills and enjoying the social and inclusive interaction which is an integral part of our club.
Our "village bowls club" did really well to be one of the finalists and I thought you would like to read the email received from Bowls England.
Good Afternoon Jeannette,
Firstly, I would just like to say thank you for submitting an entry for Biddenden Bowls Club into the Bowls England Story of the Year Award.
Our annual Story of the Year Award, generously supported by Drakes Pride, recognises the outstanding achievement of bowls clubs and members across the country and promotes the hard work and dedication that goes into running a successful club.
In 2020 we saw many clubs respond to the challenges of Covid-19 by continually adapting their guidance to ensure a safe environment that encouraged members to get back onto the green. We received over 100 nominations for the 2020 Story of the Year, all highlighting the incredible efforts that individual members and clubs have gone ‘above and beyond’ during the challenging times.
It was an extremely tough decision for our panel, but we shortlisted the nominations to a ‘final five’ who formed part of a public vote to decide the overall ‘Story of the Year’, of which your club was a very worthy inclusion on this shortlist.
As part of our new ‘Club Life’ initiative, we would like to highlight the story of all five finalists over the next few weeks and months. This will commence on Thursday (17th June), when we shall be announcing the winner of the Story of the Year vote.
On this occasion, Biddenden Bowls Club wasn’t successful in the public vote, however please don’t let that deter from the remarkable efforts that have been noticed and will continue to be recognised.
Our generous supporters at Drakes Pride are recognising all finalists with prizes. ......
I will also be in contact at a later stage to arrange relevant quotes/content for the ‘Club Life’ piece.
Best wishes,
Matt Wordingham
Bowls England
Contact Information
Kim Buggins
- 07795 802630
Find Biddenden Bowls Club
The Green, Gordon Jones Playing Fields, Tenterden Road, Biddenden, Ashford, Kent, TN27 8BB
Additional Information
Turn off the A262 (Tenterden Road) into Old Mill Court and then immediately bear left into first car park. Continue past playing field and to the right of the squash club. The bowls club is on the left at the far end of the car park.