July Update 2023
Biddenden Bowls Club
Ladies Day 10th August 2023
Our big day is nearly here. Barbara and her team have arrangements well in hand. We have 24 triples entered (plus some reserves), sponsors in place, scorers and schedules prepared, lunch menus tested and so much more. However, a few requests:
Raffle prizes - please can you donate a prize - there is a box in the clubhouse.
Support on the Day - it is vital that as many members as possible (male and female) commit to supporting on the day. There are many jobs to be done especially in the "kitchen" area serving, collecting debris, washing up etc. This needs to be shared out!! Many hands-on deck needed. Remember if a team fails to turn up for whatever reason we have to put in a reserve triple which would pull ladies of other duties so vital we have cover. Please contact Barbara or Jeannette to let them know when you can help if you have not already done so.
Intergenerational tournament 16th July 2023
What a great afternoon!! This is what bowls is about. Competition, great sportsmanship, new friends, chat, laughter, applause, ages 9 to 80 and of course great cake. Please have a look at the website page for more details plus lots of photos.
Summer School with Sports Route Coaching
We are again supporting summer school for 6 sessions. Can you help at one or more? If you can or would like to know more, please contact Kim
Monday 24th July PM Wednesday 26th July PM Friday 28th July AM
Monday 31st July PM Thursday 3rd Aug AM Friday 4th Aug AM
Turnout for competitions has been disappointing so far this season but we still have 2 left to go - 29th July Yardstick and 5th August Handicap. Why not check your diary and come along and play. Lists are up in the club house. The handicap is a great chance for newer bowlers to win their first trophy!!
The 4 knockout competitions are progressing but please do get you games organised.
Finals Weekend 2nd and 3rd September
This is the culmination of all our competitions and a great chance to come along and support the players, have social time with other members and to enjoy a closing BBQ on Sunday afternoon. The more who come the better the atmosphere and the more fun it is.
Friendlies and Mermaid League
As you will all know we have struggled to get out teams this season with not enough names coming forward. The committee is looking to reduce the number of fixtures next season to better reflect what our members want in terms of playing. However we do need to get through this season, so please keep an eye on the notice boards and website and put your names down for some games.
Teas at friendlies and Mermaid League games - for each match someone needs to "do" teas. It is only fair that all those who play in friendlies take a turn so if you have not put your name on the list this season please do.
Club Stickers
Many of you will have seen our new club stickers - available in the clubhouse. These are available to all players (without charge) and members are encouraged to put them on their bowls.
Contact Information
Kim Buggins
- 07795 802630
Find Biddenden Bowls Club
The Green, Gordon Jones Playing Fields, Tenterden Road, Biddenden, Ashford, Kent, TN27 8BB
Additional Information
Turn off the A262 (Tenterden Road) into Old Mill Court and then immediately bear left into first car park. Continue past playing field and to the right of the squash club. The bowls club is on the left at the far end of the car park.