Ditch Project +++
Biddenden Bowls Club
The Ditch
The ditch project is now well underway with all sides dug out and 90% of the concrete inlays in place. The banks, returfing, levelling etc should all be happening over coming days. At the moment all is on track for the green to be ready for the start of the new season in April. Bowling to a few centimetres from the ditch will become a possibility!!
In addition to the work being done by the contractors there is a lot of tidying up and finishing to be done by the members so please look out for emails or newsletters with more information and try to help.
Music Evening with Cheese Supper and Bar- Saturday 25th February
We have sold 50 plus tickets which is great but please if you have not already booked and fancy a fun evening get your tickets ordered. If you already have tickets, can you add a couple more people??? As well as a great preseason event with an amazing local band (Men without Hens) this is also a really important fundraiser - especially important with the substantial commitment we have taken on to secure the future of our green. Barbara would also appreciate any donations for the chocolate raffle.
Ashford Borough Council Community Lottery
12 members have purchased a total of 20 tickets and this will raise over £600 for the club over a year as 60% of the ticket price is returned to the club. Additionally it is really exciting that one of our members recently won a four figure sum with her weekly ticket!!! For a weekly ticket it costs just £4.54 a month. If you are not already taking part, please do have a look and see if you can support this fund raiser. The link above takes you to our page.
Tractorfest Donation
Some of you may have seen on the Biddenden Tractorfest Facebook page that Biddenden Bowls Club, alongside a number of other local organisations, clubs, groups and charities, has received a donation. A total of £10,000 was donated and we are delighted to have been awarded £500.
Club Captains/Officers/Selectors
As you will be aware we did not have any nominations at the AGM for a number of key club positions including captain and vice-captain. The committee feels that separating the roles will decrease workloads being taken on and hopefully encourage people to put themselves forward. Accordingly, we are very pleased that Martin Giles has agreed to take on the role of Weald League Captain for the 2 teams we have entered.
In addition Martin has also offered to organise the club competitions this season and Brian has stepped forward to become Fixture Secretary. Big thank you to both of them.
This means we now need a captain for the mens Friday evening Maidstone League and ideally a captain and vice-captain or small selection team for the Friendly and Mermaid League Games. We are aware that some people who might take on the organisation including selection for the teams are reluctant to do the element of public speaking which happens on match days. This need not be an issue and don't let it stop you as having a "Captain of the Day" can overcome this. We have often done this in the past and there are always players who are happy to do this providing the team has been selected and organised.
So please can you help? The fixtures are all arranged and on the website. If you would like to discuss this before committing, please talk to Jeannette or Joy.
Contact Information
Kim Buggins
- 07795 802630
Find Biddenden Bowls Club
The Green, Gordon Jones Playing Fields, Tenterden Road, Biddenden, Ashford, Kent, TN27 8BB
Additional Information
Turn off the A262 (Tenterden Road) into Old Mill Court and then immediately bear left into first car park. Continue past playing field and to the right of the squash club. The bowls club is on the left at the far end of the car park.