Committee Nominations for the AGM
Biddenden Bowls Club
An enthusiastic, proactive committee, with a balance of skills and interests, representing all of our members, is essential for the ongoing prosperity and development of our Bowls Club. So please, please think about standing for the committee whether:
- you have been a member for many years or have recently joined
- you simply enjoy a good friendly or are keen to play league games and/or competitions
- you want to develop the social element of the club
- you want to see involvement with the village community including junior players
- you have skills or experience which will help the committee and club.
- etc etc etc
The following official positions need to be filled and in addition we need committee members
- Chair,
- Vice Chair,
- Secretary,
- Treasurer,
- Fixtures Secretary,
- Competitions Secretary,
- Membership Secretary,
- Captain,
- Vice-Captain,
- Mixed League Captain,
- Mens League Captain
- Welfare Officer
According to our Constitution the Committee should consist of the Officers (listed above) and up to 5 Full Members elected at the Annual General Meeting. which is taking place on Wednesday 16th November at 2pm in the clubhouse. With their consent full members must be nominated and seconded by 2 other full members at least 28 days before the AGM. So, our cut-off date for this year is 19th October. [Officers, committee members and seconders/proposers must be aged 18 or over.]
As at 17th October we only have nominations (duly proposed and seconded) as follows
Chair – Jeannette Oatway
Secretary – Joy Glaysher
Treasurer – Kim Buggins
Welfare/Safeguarding - Barbara Ellison
Committee – Shirley Sands, Alex Kadinopoulos, Paul Buggins
We urgently need nominations for the other positions.
We have a great club but it is essential that we fill all of our key positions. So please please think about putting yourself forward and if you are willing to stand for one or more of the positions or if you would like to discuss the matter please email [email protected] or phone Jeannette on 01580 291463.
Contact Information
Kim Buggins
- 07795 802630
Find Biddenden Bowls Club
The Green, Gordon Jones Playing Fields, Tenterden Road, Biddenden, Ashford, Kent, TN27 8BB
Additional Information
Turn off the A262 (Tenterden Road) into Old Mill Court and then immediately bear left into first car park. Continue past playing field and to the right of the squash club. The bowls club is on the left at the far end of the car park.