August Update
Biddenden Bowls Club
10 days of August to go and then we are into September!!
Dates for your diary & other "bits" (clink on the links for more information)
28th August 1.15 to 4.30ish - Intergenerational Tournament - 6 pairs entered for this new event and we can still accept more.
3rd and 4th September - Finals Weekend
25th August - First Bowls Bash sessions
Friendly matches - still 14 to go in August and September. Please get your names down at the club house or online sign up
New committee - A sheet will go up shortly for nominations for the new committee. Please look out for this and consider which role you might be able to take on.
Ladies Day 11th August 2022 (summary from Event Co-ordinator Barbara)
The Tournament was held on one of the hottest days of the year but 24 triples took part with some great bowls played.
Goodies from the BBQ and cake stall were available throughout the day and the mister on the water spray and ice creams were popular to help cool down players and spectators. The excellent raffle was well supported with a lucky winner going on a family steam train ride - just one of the many prizes made available by local businesses.
The Kemsley BC triple scored a brilliant Hot Shot but the overall tournament was won by Hartley County BC with 25 points.
Massive thank you to David Summers & SeventySeven Wealth Management Ltd who donated and presented the cash prizes and to Biddenden Vineyards and TW Fuggle and Son for their continued support. Thanks to our umpire David White and all the members who worked hard supporting the tournament. Due to our sponsors, the work of our members and of course our wonderful entrants we raised just over £1000!!
"Picnic at the Green" 18th August 2022
37 members and family came along to enjoy a really great get together. Bowls, BBQ and cakes, games and lots of chat was the order of the day. The sun shone and the JENGA tumbled. Massive thank you for organising to Shirley and Ralph.
Leagues in 2022
As the evenings draw in the league games have come to an end. Some 24 members played in these competitive games against some very good players. The Maidstone League Men's team have been relegated to Division 5 but despite injuries/illness/absences they got the 2 triples out for each game and had some good results. In the Weald Mixed League the A team have stayed up in Division 2 but despite a great start the B team were relegated on the final day and will play in Division 4 next season.
Summer School - 7 sessions, 55+ different children John Mayne School - 4 sessions 75 different children (back in May/June)
Coaching- 11 under 18s have come along since May 16 different members helped out at one or more sessions.
Fund Raising Streams
The Ashford Community Lottery We are currently receiving £38pm as a result of 9 members buying one or more tickets. It costs just £4.34 pm for a weekly ticket and you have the chance of winning every Saturday evening.
EasyFundingRaising 10 members and family are regually raising funds through their online shopping (e.g. Sainsbury, Millets, Vistaprint, Argos, John Lewis) If you haven't signed up yet, it's easy and completely FREE. 6,800 shops and sites will donate to us when you use easyfundraising to do your everyday online shopping - at no extra cost to you! Every donation you raise makes a difference to us so please sign up & share today.
Contact Information
Kim Buggins
- 07795 802630
Find Biddenden Bowls Club
The Green, Gordon Jones Playing Fields, Tenterden Road, Biddenden, Ashford, Kent, TN27 8BB
Additional Information
Turn off the A262 (Tenterden Road) into Old Mill Court and then immediately bear left into first car park. Continue past playing field and to the right of the squash club. The bowls club is on the left at the far end of the car park.